It's been a while since I've posted anything here, but things have been going good. My time is consumed with house hunting, Mack's training, and soul-searching. Well, I cannot really search for my soul because I am a soul. This was the lesson at church today. Yes, I said church.
This past year or two have really been the most transformative years of my life in terms of religion and spirituality. I started to question everything that I knew and wanted to gain a deeper understanding of this thing we call "God". I have learned so much during this process and I hope to learn more everyday, which I'm confident I will. I hope I am able to pass along some that I've learned.
I want to tell you more about the church that I attended today. My friend, Kim, told me about the Unity churches. They are an open-minded, all religions welcome kind of place. This is exactly what I have been searching for these past couple months. It integrates everything I've learned from Eckhart Tolle (consciousness, ego, presence, etc.) with what I grew up knowing (Christianity, the Bible, Jesus). The Bible is studied in a metaphysical way, not logically or as the absolute truth. In addition to the Bible, they use other books as well. Sometimes it's A New Earth, Power of Now (both E. Tolle) but right now we are studying The Practical Visionary by Corinne McLaughlin & Gordon Davidson. It talks about how to live out your spiritual values in your daily life to transform the world as a whole. AWESOME is what this is. One of my primary concerns is our current state of the world. We cannot continue to do things as they have previously been done. Change must happen. This book is very inspiring and provides me with an immense amount of *hope* for humanity and this wonderful planet we call home.
I hope you all have a wonderful week.