Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Are We Suppose to Believe?

I'm clearly not a good blogger. It's been almost a month since my last post. I guess this is just a place for me to vent when I feel I have no other options at the moment. So, that's just what I'm going to do. Vent.

Lately, I've been watching a lot of documentaries because I just don't get enjoyment from watching 'regular' TV. I like watching things that will stimulate my thoughts...which isn't always a good thing.
I already wrote about what I saw in The Beautiful Truth (I think I did anyway...) which was about the 'food' that we eat. I learned (although, I already knew this to some extent) that we are largely deceived by the medical profession and the health care we receive. If only we could focus on preventative medicine...which I think we are slowly headed that way :)
Another documentary that I watched is called Loose Change. It focuses on the events of September 11, 2001. What I have concluded from it is that America, and the rest of the world, was and is still being deceived by our government. It is hugely possible that the government was behind the events that unfolded on that dreadful day. The evidence is there. It sickens me knots in my stomach.

Where are we suppose to turn when the 'best' government in the world is deceiving its citizens?! I feel like our freedom is disappearing slowly day by day. We must do something, now, in order to prevent this from going any farther. I just don't know what.

In another one called The Conspiracy to Rule the World it, again, focuses a lot on 9/11 (how the evidence points to government involvement), a group called Common Purpose that originated in the UK, and the United States amazing feat of putting a man on the moon. You know what I think about 9/11 already. But this Common Purpose thing? I've never heard of it. Apparently, it's a group that selectively admits and denies membership with objectives of transforming society. Initially, this sounds great to me. I'm always down for a transformation of society. As long as it's a beneficial change. But after learning more, Common Purpose is dangerous. For more information you should go to this website:
It is relatively complex and I don't feel like going into too much detail right now...frankly because I don't know that much about it.

And, about landing on the moon. They showed numerous pictures and videos and proved how each one was filmed on Earth rather than the moon. There was proof of gravity, for one, and light sources (such as those used in a photography studio). There were so many inconsistencies...and to think that the general public believed it. I have heard that we didn't actually make it to the moon when the government said we did, but I never paid much attention because I wasn't alive then. But after looking at the photos more in depth, it's undeniable.

What are we supposed to make of all of this? Right now, I feel like we know nothing about the truth...what are we suppose to believe?


  1. Start here:

  2. Thanks W...I also came across this website in the past couple days. It has a ton of information. About everything!
