Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello Hello

I've decided to start a blog!! Sometimes, I feel like I have so much to say and I don't know where to start so I figured a blog would be a good outlet for times when I feel like this. I don't really know where this will go or what exactly I will write about, but I'm excited.

I guess I can start off by telling you a little bit about myself. I am about to graduate with my Master's in Accounting from SMU in Dallas, TX. I went to undergrad at Texas Tech in Lubbock, TX. These past few years have been filled with trying to figure myself out. Who I am, what I stand for, what I want to do with my life, you know, all of those sorts of things. Sometimes I think I over-analyze things--to a fault. Yes, sometimes it is good to analyze things--but not to a point where it makes you crazy! I feel like this is what I do to myself. In fact, I KNOW this is what I do to myself. I have experienced mild depression & anxiety over this past year. I think it is attributable to my over-analyzing nature and the phase of life I am in, among other things. I tell you this because dealing with these things has forced me to turn within and find what truly makes me happy. And I want to share with you what I have learned. Hopefully that's what this blog will allow me to do...we will see :)

Anyway, there is WAY more to me than just where I went to school and the fact that I deal with depression & anxiety. Neither of these things define who I am. I suppose you will get a sense of that as time goes on...I hope that by me being able to share what I have learned through all of this will help others & in turn, help myself!

I am excited about this adventure & I hope to keep up with it. Soooo, if anyone is actually reading this...I would LOVE to know!! Also, I'm open to suggestions and ideas of what to write about. The sky's the limit!!!

Naturally me,


  1. Figured it out FINALLY!!!! Obviously it does not work with Firefox, only InternetExplorer, you may need to fix that...k thanks!

  2. Anyways, here is my real comment!! I know you like it, you already said you did!

    Write about how AMAZING Terrell Owens is! That is something I always find fun to do. Call him a hero of mine, a role model of sorts! But working your way up to his amazingness by writing about your coolest friend at SMU would be cool too. I give you permission to use my name whenever you want that way people know me before I make it big!
