Wednesday, November 10, 2010

At Last...

Right now I feel like I have so much to say but I don't know where to start. This past week has been a really good one!! I have had my spells, but for the most part I've been content with where I'm at in my life. (Which, no doubt, I absolutely am...but sometimes my mind attempts to make me think otherwise--hence the reason why I'm here.)

About my mind--I've come to realize that I think WAY too much. This has been the root of all of my unhappiness, I guess you could say. I hate saying that I'm unhappy because I have nothing to be "unhappy" about but I just don't know of another word to use in its place to describe all the mix of emotions I feel on a daily basis.
I came across GlobalOne.TV yesterday as I was "stumbling" on the internet. (I say stumbling because I use it out, it's neat.) Anyway, it's this online Spiritual Television website. I couldn't have come across this at a more perfect time. Just a few days ago I was telling to a friend that I wish I had more like-minded people in my life. Like-minded meaning nonreligious, more spiritual. So I feel like this website is exactly that..a place where people who think like me come together and exchange ideas and thoughts and whatnot. Granted I have hardly looked around on it (I came across it in the middle of class) so I have yet to really experience what it has to offer. The one thing I did see was that they have "Power of Now TV" so, naturally, I clicked on it. (I am currently reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle) It was a video of none other than Eckhart Tolle himself!! I was so excited...I decided to go to Eckart's website to check it out and holy cow!!! JACKPOT!!!! I can't believe this was my first time there. I think anyone reading should go check it out because there is so much good information there. I can't wait to explore!!

The purpose of this post was basically to tell you about those two websites (GlobalOne.TV and because I was overjoyed when I found them that I had to tell someone!!! It's time to go to school now--only 4 more weeks of class after today :) but, who's counting?

In the meantime, I will be taking life one day at a time and trying to remain present and free from my mind.


  1. You, young lady obviously do not remember some of our conversations. I too am I guess as you say 'like-minded'. I am not very religious anymore and have not really been in years. I am of Catholic faith but this by no means played into my failing out from religion. I look at myself as more spirtual because to me, that really is the only thing that matters, and the only thing we will be judged upon when we get to the Gates. My realization happened in 2004 I believe when I was working at a sports club and I befriended one of the basketball coaches. His name is Henry Mercadel. I am sure you can find him online as he has a basketball ministry camp for kids. He is a great guy. He was a born again and we would always talk about religion and the bible and all this stuff. He was the one that helped me realize, that religion truely is man-made nothing more, but a relationship with God is the only thing that matters, you do not need to follow the rules of a religion to accomplish that. I went to a Catholic High School and we were required to take religion course obviously, but one day we had a guest speaker in one my religion class. I think this guy was a father and worked in the Chapel at prisons at one point. But prior to this class I had told Henry about it and he helped me realize some general questions, and challenged me to ask these questions. I was scared to ask, but shaking I wrote it down on the notecard he gave us to ask these questions. I simply wrote 'How can someone who is also a sinner, forgive me of my sins?' He was going through the questions and came to mine, he read it, obviously without reading it to himself first. What was his response? He had none, he danced around the question and quickly moved on. My point is, well I am not really sure haha only that Henry helped me with answering some of my questions and helped me better realize my beliefs I guess. I don't talk much about religion or politics or any of that because nothing good comes from it. No matter what my opions are or the sense I make in my arguements, it always will fall on deaf ears because many people tune out what they don't want to hear, and as I have told you before, many people just listen to the media instead of actually doing research to find the real answers, they forget, the media is paid to produce a story, not whether or not the story is true or not. If it was true all the time, they would not have many stories. But anyway I just want to let you know that I am spiritual more so than I am religious and I really don't care what people think of it. So if you need a friend to talk to about this stuff, I will be that person, I will share my stances if it helps you because I look to you as a friend, someone I can trust (Hopefully! haha) and I trust you will stop hating on TO, unless of course you have reasons to hate him, which unfortunately no one does, at least no one who knows his full story! I will teach you that story too! I never get tired of talking about him! Sorry that this comment was long enough to be a blog entry in itself haha. But hopefully it gives you comfort knowing that your best friend at SMU feels the way you do and is as you say 'like-minded'.

  2. Thanks Steven!! We just might have to have a little chit chat!!
