Monday, March 28, 2011


Over the past year or two, I have really been searching for the Truth. Truth about God, the world, the universe, and beyond. Of course, no one really knows why we are all here but we can make some pretty good guesses. One of the biggest questions of my life is "why can't we all just get along?!"

I have never understood why there is so much hate in the world. I don't understand how we have the capability to develop technology to use limited resources as fuel but we "can't" find a way to use water as fuel. I don't understand why someone would want to kidnap another's child.

Well, that post about Lady Gaga the other day? I think that there is a lot more to it. It is hard to read about it. I'm talking about the Illuminati now. I have just found the tip of the iceberg. I feel like they are the source of all of our problems. They are looked upon as satanic. Click that link for a ton more information. There is so much: from our cell phone towers, to the ingredients in our food (namely MSG & aspartame), to mainstream media, to September 11, to the pharmaceutical companies, and the list goes on...

Right now I feel as if it is my duty to bring awareness to this demented subject. This is not me just being a conspiracist, or having some crazy off-the-wall thoughts. This is real. You can't deny the evidence once you have seen some of it...the main place where I'm getting most of my information is But once you have discovered this topic, you will soon find it everywhere

It is important to be in the proper mindset when reading all of this information. It can easily depress you because at first it seems that you have absolutely NO control over what is happening in our world, our society, and on our lovely planet. BUT, the truth is we do have control-at least a little bit. Our power is in awareness. The more people that know about it, that are aware of it, the greater chance we have of putting a stop to it. Of course, we will get no where without God. We must listen to that little voice, that whisper, and use it as our guide. That, my friends, is God speaking through you. I say through because God, the Spirit, dwells within us. He is not some man in the sky, therefore he cannot speak to us. We have been led to believe that because that's what they want us to believe.

I feel as though all of this (me becoming aware of the Illuminati & everything it entails) is an answer. Or at least the beginning of an answer to all of my thoughts, wishes, and prayers to find some sort of answer to better help me understand the world and humanity.

After all, the Daily Word is answered prayer.

(I could keep writing for days but I suppose I will save some of my thoughts and new information for future posts. If you think I'm crazy now or if you want to know more don't hesitate to look around on the internet. Like I said, is a great place to start.)

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